Sapphire QMS Associates

Business-focused Quality Solutions

ISO 9001:2008 Section 7 Product Realization….let's begin...

When people first read ISO 9001:2008 Section 7, Product Realization, they often get glassy eyed.

Some insist that it doesn’t apply to them.  It does.   

Now, how  your business meets the requirements is up to you.  A 5,000 person firm with multiple products will have a very different system than the 20 person machine shop or the 5 person travel agency.

The graphic below shows the various elements.

Note:  if you do not do any design work, you can take and exemption to Clause 7.3

Note:  if you do not do any design work, you can take and exemption to Clause 7.3

We’ll explore these in more detail in future blogs, but I want to go over one key point:

What is a product?

A chair?  True

A train ride? True

An on dating service? True

A motor? True

An Adhesive? True


A product is simply the result of a process. A process turns inputs into outputs.

If you are reading this blog, you have a product. That makes it important that you understand the Product Realization Section.

Product Realization is really about three things:

a.       Understanding the output

b.      Understanding the inputs

c.       Planning and controlling how you get from the inputs to the output


That’s it for today.  Please give us a call at 508-641-5930 or complete the contact sheet for any of your Quality Management needs.  We’ll be glad to come in and work out a solution.


