Sapphire QMS Associates

Business-focused Quality Solutions

ISO 9001:2008 Clause 6 (Part 2) Infrastructure & Work Environment


ISO9001:2008 requires that the organization “determine and provide the resources needed to implement and maintain the Quality Management System and continually improve its effectiveness, and enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements”  Ensuring the availability of resources is a key part of Management Responsibility.  Clause 6 breaks resources into three sections:

·         People

·         Facilities

·         Information Infrastructure

In our last post we talked about human resources. Now let’s turn our attention to facilities and infrastructure.  Think of Clause 6 as a disaster-protection plan. Most people don’t consider infrastructure until it fails. The power goes out. Your computer crashes.  The delivery truck doesn’t pass inspection. ISO 9001:2008 requires that you determine, provide and maintain the appropriate infrastructure for your business, and in doing so, it helps you anticipate problems.

We’ll use the Auto Body Shop as an example again. Some of the infrastructure for the Auto Body Shop includes:

·         The building with three bays, lifts, an office and customer waiting area

·         Waste collection system, electronic diagnostic equipment

·         IT network

·         Computers and printers

·         Pick-up truck

The owner, John Frace, has established an in house preventative maintenance system for the repair area and outsources the maintenance of the computer system.  All files are backed up to the cloud on a daily basis. The truck is maintained in house

The work environment (6.4) is a combination of the physical environment (light, heating, air quality etc.) and human factors such as use of personal protection equipment and good ergonomics.

The Quality Management System continues to follow a well-trodden path:

1.       Determine the needs

2.       Provide the system and tools required to meet the needs

3.       Ensure that the systems and tools are monitored and maintained

4.       Maintain objective evidence of how you have met the requirements

That’s Clause 6. Stay tuned for Clause 7: Product Realization.  This one is quite meaty, so we’ll take it in small bites!

And remember, you don’t have to deal with QMS alone. We can help with your assessment, auditing and training needs.

Give us a call at 508-641-5930 or complete the Contact Form to start the ball rolling.


